WooCommerce Custom fields for Variations GPL v1.7.1 – IconicWP

Original price was: 59.46$.Current price is: 3.18$.

Save time editing product variations and give customers the information they need with WooCommerce Custom Fields for Variations by IconicWP.

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Iconic WooCommerce Custom Fields for Variations GPL Overview:

Save time editing product variations and give customers the information they need with WooCommerce Custom Fields for Variations.

Iconic WooCommerce Custom Fields for Variations GPL Features:

Save Time Customizing Your Product Variations

  • Improve the admin experience by adding any number of custom fields to your product variations site-wide to make customizing your product variations a breeze.
  • Your new custom field groups will be added to all product variations, allowing you to fill in the additional information when editing a product, or leave them blank – saving you a ton of time.
  • Custom fields can be grouped together under headings, giving your shop managers the best experience possible.

Use Multiple Field Types for Easy Editing

  • Use checkboxes, dropdowns, and radio buttons in your custom field groups to make updating commonly-used product information straightforward.
  • Include small or large text areas for completely custom content that can be adapted for each product variation.

Only Show the Content You Need to

  • Your filled-in custom fields only show once a customer has selected that variation, giving them the best experience possible.
  • Additional information appears right below the various selection options, so they won’t miss a thing.
  • You can also use our shortcode to display the variation information wherever you want.
  • WooCommerce Custom Fields for Variations uses your theme’s styling, so it blends right in, making your users feel right at home.

More Incredible Features

  • Field groups
    Organise your new data fields and group them under separate headings.
  • Unlimited fields
    Add any number of custom fields to your WooCommerce product variations.
  • Field Types
    Support for text, textarea, select, checkboxes, or radio buttons field types.
  • Seamless
    Works with any well-coded theme and adopts the native WooCommerce admin and theme styling.
Additional information

Iconic WP


