Got stories to tell? We want to help you share them. Display Instagram stories right on your website in a pop-up lightbox to keep your users engaged and on your website for longer. Just click the highlighted avatar image in the feed header.
Don’t want photos from certain users to show up, or want to hide specific photos in your feed? No problem. Our easy-to-use visual moderation system makes moderating your feed simple.
Link your Instagram posts to custom URLs of your choosing by simply adding the URL to the caption of your post on Instagram, allowing you to link specific posts in your feed to pages or products on your site (or other sites) in a quick and easy way.
Highlight specific posts in your feed in a number of ways: a set pattern, specific post IDs, or using a specific hashtag in the caption. For example, set the plugin to highlight any posts which include the hashtag of #highlight.
As an approved Instagram partner we’re proud to state that the Instagram Feed Pro plugin is fully compatible with the newest version of the Instagram API, and so can display hashtag feeds without needing to scrape Instagram’s website.
You made sure to choose a responsive WordPress theme so make sure that your Instagram plugin is also responsive to match. The Instagram Feed WordPress plugin has been created from the ground-up with mobile devices in mind, so that it’s touch screen ready and looks great on any screen size and any device.
3 reviews for Custom Instagram Feed Pro GPL v6.5.1 By Smash Balloon
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