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Extend the functionality of Gravity Forms with the Gravity Perks WordPress plugin. It integrates with Gravity Forms to provide access to some cool perks which are available as add-ons for the Gravity Perks plugin.
There are over 29 perks that can be installed with the Gravity Perks plugin. Please note that PERKS are NOT included with this plugin. You need to install Gravity Forms in order to use this plugin.
Gravity Perks Activation –
In the file includes/class-gwapi find the function get_products which starts around line 165 and add this to the start of the function code: return; find the function get_license_data which starts around line 351 and add this to the start of the function code (on blank line 352): return array(license=>valid,item_name=>urlencode($this->get_product_name()),perk_limit=>0,price_name=>Pro);
Find the function has_valid_license which starts around line 390 and add this to the start of the function code: return true; Find the function get_api_status which starts around line 398 and add this to the start of the function code: return 200;
In the file, gravityperks.php Find the function has_available_perks and add this to the start of the function code: return true; Find the function is_unlimited which starts around line 1039 and add this to the start of the function code: return $license_data[‘perk_limit’] === 0; Now change line 194 from define( ‘GW_DOMAIN’, ‘gravitywiz.com’ ); to define( ‘GW_DOMAIN’, ‘google.com’ );
Can now install and use any of the perks – not through the dashboard (that would require a legit key) but can install as a normal plugin. Gravity Forms must also be tweaked (current instructions tested on the latest version and working). You need to install Gravity Forms in order to use this plugin.
Contact us if you find it difficult.
3 reviews for Gravity Perks Core GPL v2.3.15 | Base Plugin | Latest Version
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